Support a Holy Cause About
Support a Holy Cause
At a time where our presence in a Church is not always possible, either due to geographical distance or physical impairment, the Church shall keep serving and communicating with its congregation. Since last year we have launched the Light a Candle service where the faithful can light a virtual candle and dedicate it for Good Health or in Memory of their beloved ones.
Orthodox World introduces a new service that Churches can use to increase engagement and support for their missions. Support a Holy Cause is the continuation of the Lighten a Church initiative which brings together Donors with Churches in need for in-kind-donations.
The new service, Support a Holy Cause, empowers Churches to connect virtually with their community to support specific Christian endeavors by accepting donations online. It enables the faithful not simply to use the directory to find contact details, but be informed about the various Christian projects & needs and donate the amount they wish in an easy and secure way.

How to receive online Donations
If you are a Rector or Parish Council Officer you may use the form below to locate your Church and add Holy Causes to receive online donations. For more information on the service and how to list your Holy Causes, please see here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to receive them at and get back to you as soon as possible.